Wulan Guritno is a most popular indonesian artist and Model, she become a super star… wulan guritno is a single mom.. nice dude… she is so sexy, hot, cute and smart.. but most of indonesian people know that she have a sexy skin and sexy eyes.. but on the internet thousand of wulan guritno sexy photo’s has on it. and you can file some of “bugil foto” and foto toket luna maya” on google search… or you can find on kinds of ndonesian artist forum like kaskus, detik hot an the athers
Wulan Guritno - Popular Indonesian
Wulan Lorraine Guritno(lahir di London, Inggris, 14 April 1980; umur 29 tahun) adalah seorang pemeran wanita Indonesia yang berakting di film Gie dan Janji Joni. Ia berdarah campuran Jawa (tepatnya Solo) - Inggris dan bertinggi tubuh 168 cm. Ia adalah mantan kekasih dari pembalap mobil nasional Ananda Mikola.
Wulan Guritno is a most popular indonesian artist and Model, she become a super star… wulan guritno is a single mom.. nice dude… she is so sexy, hot, cute and smart.. but most of indonesian people know that she have a sexy skin and sexy eyes.. but on the internet thousand of wulan guritno sexy photo’s has on it. and you can file some of “bugil foto” and foto toket luna maya” on google search… or you can find on kinds of ndonesian artist forum like kaskus, detik hot an the athers

Wulan Guritno is a most popular indonesian artist and Model, she become a super star… wulan guritno is a single mom.. nice dude… she is so sexy, hot, cute and smart.. but most of indonesian people know that she have a sexy skin and sexy eyes.. but on the internet thousand of wulan guritno sexy photo’s has on it. and you can file some of “bugil foto” and foto toket luna maya” on google search… or you can find on kinds of ndonesian artist forum like kaskus, detik hot an the athers